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How to fix quality problems during PET preforms injection molding

...  High levels of water are exacerbated in production:  - AA (Acetaldehyde) an increase in acetaldehyde. The odor of the beverage bottle ...  → the temperature is lowered (generally, the preform does not produce a white fog temperature increase of 2 ~ 5 ° C) is the normal ...

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Step by Step Guide to Search a China Company Registration details

...  (河南红盾信息网): http://www.haaic.gov.cn/ Hubei (湖北红盾信息网): http://www.egs.gov.cn/ Hunan ...  (青海红盾信息网): http://www.qhaic.gov.cn/ Shaanxi (陕西工商红盾信息网): http://www.snaic.gov.cn/ Shandong ...  as registered with the AIC. By checking what the company does and what it is allowed to do under the business license, you can find out ...

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